Portnox White Paper

IoT Fingerprinting: How it Works


The Rise of 10T

In the early 1980s, long before the internet was a part of our daily lives, a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon discovered a vending machine that could connect to ARPANET. Tired of finding the machine empty. or the soda warm right after being restockede the professor and a couple of students wrote a program that would report on the contents of the machine and whether or not the drinks had been there long enough to be cold....and thus, the very first Internet of Things device was born.

IOT (Internet of Things) has brought many beneficial changes to the world. Companies can track inventory in real time, your doctor can get detailed information on your medical conditions, and you can control everything in your house from the thermostat to the curtains with the help of a virtual assistant. Unfortunately. 10T is not without its failings and oftentimes a glaring fault is the lack of proper security measures.

Two important developments followed jn the history of loT. First was the proliferation of residential broadband and always-on connections. Once upon a time, having a dedicated phone line for the internet was a luxury; if you were around for the dial-up days you probably remember trying to use the phone only to be met with 56k modem screeches, You would hardly want your fridge to be tying up the phone line! However, by 2010, 65% of all US households had a broadband connection, with that number by 2018.

The second significant innovation was cloud computing - IOT requires a lot of data storage (all those Ring doorbell videos of possums have to live somewhere) so when Amazon and Google began offering cloud storage services

in the mid-2000st it was possible to store and readily access large amounts of data without having to pay for all the infrastructure of a data center.

Now that the conditions were righti 10T began to be more widely adopted across many industries. Companies like Walmart, Amazon. and Target widely incorporated 110T in RFIO tagging for inventory, which led to them not only being able to react much faster to changes in consumer needs hut also allowed them to collect and store massive amounts of data on the general publics shopping habits, Target famously created an algorithm that allowed them to predict not only when a shopper was pregnant, but roughly when they were due.


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