The Buyer’s Guide to Network Access Control (NAC)

Network Access Control (NAC) is like the bouncer your network desperately needs—only letting in the folks (and devices) with the right credentials and attitude. It enforces security policies like a pro, making sure unauthorized users are left at the door, stopping malware in its tracks, and keeping insider threats on a short leash.

In short, NAC is your network’s first line of defense, ensuring nothing shady slips through. If your cybersecurity strategy doesn’t have NAC front and center, you’re basically leaving the door wide open and hoping for the best. Spoiler alert: that’s a terrible plan.

And let’s face it: cyber threats aren’t slowing down. From ransomware that wants to take you for everything you’ve got to insider threats lurking within, your endpoints are more vulnerable than ever.

That means choosing the right NAC solution is more important than ever.

Why Read this Guide?

  • Not all NACs are created equal – choosing the wrong one can lead to costly mistakes. 
  • Common pitfalls include hidden complexities in implementation, ongoing management headaches, and integration challenges. 
  • Scaling limitations – many NACs struggle to grow with your business, leaving security gaps. 
  • Underestimated complexities – businesses often overlook how complicated deploying and managing a NAC can be. 
  • Security risks – picking the wrong NAC could create vulnerabilities or demand excessive IT resources. 
  • This guide helps educate you on these potential traps and equips you to make an informed, confident choice. 

Selecting the Right NAC Solution

Deployment Model: Cloud or Not to Cloud

The first big question when choosing a NAC solution: Do you want to be tied to a bunch of physical hardware, or would you prefer something more flexible and hands-off? 

  • On-Prem NACs (think Cisco ISE or Aruba ClearPass) require heavy lifting—literally. We're talking lots of infrastructure, constant maintenance, and a dedicated IT team that might as well set up camp in your server room. 
  • Cloud-Native NACs are the new kids on the block: flexible, scalable, and cost-effective. They cut out the hardware headaches, offer remote management, and get updated faster than you can say "patch Tuesday." 

So, ask yourself: 

  • Do you have the time and manpower to babysit an on-prem solution? 
  • Or would you rather kick back and let a cloud-native NAC do the heavy lifting while you focus on more important things—like that coffee break you keep missing? 

A common myth about deploying an on-premises NAC is that once it's installed, it runs on autopilot. Many organizations believe that after the initial setup, the system will seamlessly manage network access with minimal upkeep. In reality, on-prem NAC solutions often require significant ongoing maintenance, manual updates, and continuous tuning to stay effective.

Changes in network infrastructure, new device types, and evolving security threats all demand regular attention. Without dedicated resources to manage and update the system, the NAC can quickly become outdated, leaving gaps in security and frustrating both IT teams and users alike. 

Scalability & Flexibility: Grow Big or Go Home

Let’s face it: businesses don’t stay the same size, and neither do their networks. If your NAC solution can’t keep up, you’re in for a world of frustration. The right NAC should grow with you—no friction, no headaches. 

Here’s where cloud-native NACs shine. These solutions can: 

  • Scale seamlessly: Need to add a ton of devices, open new offices, or accommodate remote workers? No problem. No hardware upgrades, no hassle. 
  • Flex with ease: Got a BYOD policy or a fleet of IoT devices? A cloud NAC handles them like a pro. Hybrid work environments? Piece of cake. 

In short, if you’re planning to grow (and who isn’t?), an inflexible NAC is like putting a goldfish in a shot glass. Give your network the space it needs to swim. 

A practical tip for assessing how a NAC solution can scale is to conduct a proof of concept with a small segment of your network or a specific department. During this test, simulate expected growth by gradually adding more devices, users, and access points to see how the NAC handles increased demand. Pay attention to how easily the system adapts and whether performance degrades as the network expands.

Additionally, ask the vendor about the solution’s scalability limits, such as the maximum number of supported devices or locations, and whether additional hardware or licensing is required as your network grows. 

Integration: Your NAC Should Play Well with Others 

The perfect NAC solution isn’t some lone wolf doing its own thing. It needs to be a team player, seamlessly fitting into your cybersecurity stack—firewalls, intrusion detection systems, endpoint security, SIEM platforms, the works. Otherwise, you're just creating a security patchwork quilt no one asked for. 

Here’s why this matters: 

  • Automated responses: You want threats handled fast, ideally without you lifting a finger. A well-integrated NAC can trigger automatic defenses when things go sideways. 
  • Unified security: No more bouncing between tools trying to piece together the puzzle. When everything’s talking to each other, you get a cohesive security framework. 

But heads up: on-prem NACs tend to be the needy ones, often demanding custom configurations and extra overhead to play nice with your existing tools. Cloud-native NAC? Way less of a drama queen in the integration department. 

Something to consider when integrating your NAC with a SIEM, focus on data compatibility and visibility. Ensure the NAC can provide detailed logs and real-time event data that the SIEM can easily parse and analyze. Next, assess how well the NAC integrates with your SIEM’s alerting and automation features, as seamless communication is crucial for automating responses to security incidents.

It’s also important to consider network segmentation policies and whether the SIEM can correlate NAC-enforced access control actions with broader network events. Lastly, review both systems' reporting capabilities to ensure that the integration provides a unified view of network security activities, helping to streamline threat detection and response. 

Zero Trust: Because Trust is Overrated

Zero Trust isn’t just a buzzword—it’s the law of the land. And if your NAC solution isn’t on board, you’re setting yourself up for trouble. The rule here? "Never trust, always verify." Every user, device, and application needs to prove it’s legit every time it wants access—no exceptions, no free passes. 

A cloud-native NAC is like the perfect bouncer for your network, naturally enforcing Zero Trust with: 

  • Adaptive authentication: Adjusts the security checks based on the user’s behavior and risk level. It's like your NAC has a sixth sense. 
  • Network segmentation: Keeping your sensitive data away from the riff-raff. 
  • Risk-based access controls: If something looks off, access is shut down faster than you can say “cyber breach.” 

In short, if your NAC isn’t Zero Trust-ready, you’re trusting way more than you should. And we all know how that ends. 

A common myth about NAC as it relates to Zero Trust is that implementing a NAC solution automatically means your network is Zero Trust-compliant. In reality, while NAC is a critical component of a Zero Trust architecture, it alone doesn’t achieve full Zero Trust. NAC focuses primarily on controlling access to the network, but Zero Trust requires continuous verification of every user, device, and application throughout their interaction with resources, even after initial access is granted.

Achieving true Zero Trust involves a broader strategy, including identity and access management (IAM), endpoint security, and network segmentation, all working together to enforce the "never trust, always verify" principle. 

Ease of Use: Power Doesn’t Have to be a Headache 

Here’s the thing: just because a NAC solution is powerful doesn’t mean it needs to feel like you're defusing a bomb every time you use it. If your IT team is already juggling flaming swords, the last thing they need is a NAC that requires a PhD to manage. 

  • Legacy on-prem NACs: Think of them like high-maintenance relationships. They demand extensive training, dedicated staff, and constant configuration. You'll need a small army just to keep things running. 
  • Cloud-based NACs: Now we’re talking! These are the low-maintenance, easy-to-deploy alternatives. With user-friendly dashboards and streamlined policy enforcement, your team can actually breathe and focus on real priorities—not babysitting a NAC. 

Bottom line: choose a NAC that empowers your IT team, not one that makes them feel like they need a vacation... or a career change. 

A key pitfall to avoid in NAC administration is overcomplicating policy management. Many organizations fall into the trap of creating overly complex, granular access policies, thinking it will improve security. However, this can lead to administrative headaches, increased likelihood of misconfigurations, and user frustration due to excessive access restrictions.

Instead, focus on creating clear, scalable policies that balance security with usability. Regularly review and update policies to reflect changes in your network, but avoid unnecessary layers of complexity that make ongoing management cumbersome and prone to errors. Keep it streamlined to ensure both security and smooth operations. 

Cost of Ownership: It’s More Than Just Sticker Price

When it comes to NAC, the price tag is only the tip of the iceberg. Total cost of ownership (TCO) goes way beyond the initial swipe of the credit card—think hardware, maintenance, updates, and staffing, all lurking beneath the surface. 

  • On-prem solutions: They’re like buying a sports car—you think it’s flashy until you realize you’ve also signed up for hidden costs, endless maintenance contracts, and pricey hardware refresh cycles. Oh, and don’t forget the constant TLC your IT team will need to keep it running. 
  • Cloud-native NAC: On the other hand, this is your all-inclusive vacation. With a subscription model, it’s predictable, manageable, and won’t sneak up on you with surprise bills. You pay for what you use, and your IT team isn’t tied down dealing with server room drama. 

So, when comparing NAC solutions, don’t just look at the price tag—think long-term. Your wallet (and your sanity) will thank you. 

A key advantage of cloud-native SaaS NAC is its predictable, lower ongoing costs. Unlike traditional on-prem NACs, which require substantial upfront investment in hardware, licensing, and maintenance, SaaS NAC operates on a subscription model, eliminating the need for costly physical infrastructure.

Additionally, cloud-native solutions reduce the burden on IT teams by automating updates and patches, further lowering operational expenses. This flexibility allows you to scale the solution as your organization grows, without the need for significant capital expenditures, making TCO more manageable and cost-effective in the long run. 

The Final NAC Decision is Yours

Picking the right NAC solution isn’t a casual decision—it’s a critical move that can either turbocharge your security or leave you with a mess of headaches. You’ve got to think through everything: 

  • Deployment models: Cloud or on-prem? One’s got flexibility, the other’s got infrastructure weightlifting. 
  • Scalability: Can your NAC grow as fast as your business? Or will it break a sweat when you add new devices? 
  • Integration: Will it play nice with your existing security stack, or throw a tantrum every time it meets a firewall? 
  • Zero Trust Support: Does it live by "trust no one," or is it handing out access like candy? 

But be warned—legacy systems and BYOD chaos could throw wrenches in your perfect NAC plan. The good news? Get it right, and you unlock AI-driven automation, seamless compliance monitoring, and the ability to secure your remote workforce like a pro. 

Bottom line: Whether you go old-school with on-prem or get fancy with cloud-native, the goal is simple—secure your network without driving your IT team insane. Stick to the guide, and you’ll be making smart, future-proof decisions for your business. 

Choosing to Go with Portnox Cloud

So, you’re thinking about giving Portnox Cloud a whirl? Smart move! Let’s walk you through what you can expect—from the moment you decide to take the plunge with a proof of concept (POC) to finally joining the NAC elite. Buckle up! 

Step 1: The "Hmm, Maybe We Should Try This?" Moment (aka Deciding on a POC) 

You’ve done some research, maybe seen a demo or two, and now you’re thinking, “What’s the harm in trying this thing out?” That’s the POC moment. It’s the part where you take Portnox for a test drive and see if it’s the NAC solution of your dreams (spoiler: it probably is).  

Tip: You’ll get hands-on with the tech without having to tear your current network apart. Zero disruption, maximum insight. 


Step 2: The "Wow, This is Actually Pretty Slick" Phase 

Mid-POC, you start realizing that things are smoother than you expected. You’re able to monitor, manage, and secure devices like a pro (without any on-prem hardware shackles). 

  • Passwordless authentication? Check. 
  • IoT profiling? Easy. 
  • Network segmentation? A breeze. 
  • Cloud-native TACACS+? Covered. 

The cool part? You’re probably having a "This would make my job so much easier" moment. Feel free to gloat a little to your team. 


Step 3: The "Oh Crap, We Forgot About Integration" Realization 

At some point, you’ll wonder, “But will this play nice with our current stack?” The answer is yes. Portnox Cloud slots right into your security setup—SIEMs, firewalls, endpoint tools, you name it. No wrestling required. You can breathe a little easier now. 


Step 4: The "Let’s Run It Through the Ringer" Test 

This is where you throw everything at it: IoT devices, rogue laptops, mystery Wi-Fi printers—if it connects, you test it. And guess what? Portnox Cloud doesn’t flinch. It handles network chaos like a champ, giving you full visibility and control. 

Bonus: You’ll probably have a moment where you say, “Wait, we didn’t even know that was on our network…” 


Step 5: The "Okay, We’re Sold" Conversation 

By now, the writing’s on the wall. Your team’s nodding, and the cost-benefit analysis speaks for itself. No clunky hardware, no long-term maintenance headaches, and a killer cloud-native NAC solution that scales with your needs. 

Now’s the time to make it official—Portnox Cloud is about to be your new BFF. 


Step 6: The "Welcome to the Cloud" Victory Lap 

You’ve made the call, signed the papers, and now Portnox Cloud is yours. Congrats! Time to begin fully onboarding and securing your network with the confidence that comes from knowing you’re ahead of the game. Plus, with continuous updates and no hardware hassle, your IT team can finally take that long-overdue victory lap. 

Oh, and don’t forget to brag to your CISO. They’ll appreciate you saving money and boosting security. 


Step 7: The "NAC Hero" Status 

Once you're up and running, it's all smooth sailing. Your network’s safer than ever, you’ve got visibility on every device, and you’ve just made your job (and everyone else's) way easier. Don't be surprised if you get a few high-fives around the office—or at least a couple of "How did you make that so simple?" questions.