Portnox Service Level Agreement


This Service Level Agreement (“SLA”) outlines the service levels applicable to Customers or MSSPs, as applicable, who have purchased support or maintenance as indicated on such Customer’s or MSSP’s Order and pursuant to either (i) the End User Subscription Agreement (the “EUS Agreement”) by and between Portnox Security, LLC and affiliated entities (“Portnox”) and Customer or (ii) the Managed Security Service Provider Agreement (the “MSSP Agreement”) by and between Portnox and MSSP. All terms and conditions specified below are subject to EUS Agreement or MSSP Agreement, as applicable, and any terms capitalized but not defined herein have the meanings ascribed to them in the EUS Agreement or MSSP Agreement, as applicable.

If you are a customer of a MSSP that has signed up for the Portnox Products through such MSSP, or an end user of any such customer, this SLA does not apply to you and any and all support Products with respect to any product or service offering of Portnox shall be provided to you directly by the MSSP and shall be governed by the agreement governing your relationship with such MSSP.

Customer and MSSP Obligations:

  1. Portnox’s obligation to provide the service support is conditioned upon (i) Customer using the Products in accordance with the terms and conditions of this SLA, the EUS Agreement, and any and all written instructions and guidance provided by Portnox via the Products or otherwise from time to time and (ii) MSSP and its Customers using the Portnox Products (referred to herein as the “Products” and providing the Managed Products in accordance with the terms and conditions of this SLA, the EUS Agreement, the MSSP Agreement, and any and all written instructions and guidance provided by Portnox from time to time.

Portnox Obligations:

Portnox will use commercially reasonable efforts to respond promptly to all reasonable service requests from Customer and MSSP regarding the use of the Products according to the relevant service and severity levels, and response and resolution times as set forth below.

Support Program Limitation:

Support doesn’t include the development of custom scripts, reports, templates, SQL queries, perform analysis of or troubleshoot performance problems related to third-party products or SQL or OS issues.

Portnox will not take control of a company’s environment to perform full installations, configurations, migrations, or upgrades.

Portnox continues to recommend that all devices be configured and upgraded where possible to use the latest versions of TLS and other encryption protocols to ensure security, especially as TLS 1.0 and other deprecated security protocols are not considered secure by CISA and other governing agencies. While Microsoft Azure is planning on blocking support of TLS 1.0 and 1.1 for certain web services, Portnox RADIUS authentication will continue to support these older protocols.

Portnox does not go on-site to the company to perform any support in conjunction with Standard or Elite Support.

DISCLAIMER: Portnox takes security seriously, and as part of our regular process we review and update libraries to maintain a highly secure service, in strict compliance with SOC2 and ISO27001 standards. Portnox is vendor agnostic, however, Customers or MSSPs and their end customers using software or equipment, or versions no longer supported by that software or hardware’s manufacturer and/or no longer capable of being upgraded to the latest security standards and encryption cyphers available are not and cannot be reasonably covered by this SLA. Portnox encourages all Customers and MSSPs to maintain infrastructure in keeping with then-current best-practices with respect to security including applying all manufacturer recommended patches and updates.

Support Highlights:

  • On-line (Web, Email) trouble ticket case management
  • Access to the knowledge base
  • Unplanned service disruption notifications
  • Planned service update notifications

Support Service and SLAs are as follows:

Severity Level Description
P1 - Urgent Critical Business Impact: Production application or network down or major malfunction resulting in a product inoperative condition. Users are unable to perform their normal functions.
  • The specific functionality is mission-critical to the business and the situation is considered an emergency.
  • Qualifying Conditions
    • Production Server or other mission-critical systems are down or substantial loss of service
    • No user can log in
    • Critical users cannot log into any device to accomplish their job
    • Production server or other mission-critical systems are inaccessible
    • An issue in which the product causes critical Authentication failures across production devices or large numbers of users, with no alternative access to your network.
    • An issue in which the product causes critical Authorization failures across production systems impacting users rights on the network.
P2 - High Significant Business Impact: Significant loss of functionality or performance resulting in a high number of users unable to perform their normal functions. Major feature/product failure; inconvenient workaround or no workaround exists. Portnox is functioning in a limiting capacity and/or functionality is severely restricted.
  • The specific functionality is mission-critical to the business and the situation is considered an emergency.
  • Qualifying Conditions
    • Service interruptions to some, but not all, devices/users. (Examples: Authentication or access not functional for some devices/users but functional for others.
    • Authorization not functioning, policies not applying to Site/NAS, cannot perform mission critical activities.
P3 - Medium Minimal Business Impact: Features of the Products are unavailable, but a workaround exists, and most functions are still available and useable. Minor feature or function failure occurs that has minor impact on operational functionality.
P4 - Low No Business Impact: Minor problem or request that does not affect the function or operation of the Products. There is no impact to usage or operation.

Portnox Targeted Response Times:

Service Type Support SLA
Severity Level Initial Response Resolution
P1 - Urgent Within 2 Hours Continuous work until a workaround is provided, or issue is resolved
P2 - High Within 4 Hours Work, in accordance with then current priority, during business hours, until workaround is provided, or issue is resolved
P3 - Medium Within 8 Hours Work, in accordance with then current priority, during business hours, until workaround is provided, or version release required
P4 - Low Within 24 Hours Portnox will attempt to resolve or provide a fix upon the next version release

Portnox, at its option, reserves the right to refuse to perform such Products and/or charge Customer or MSSP with Portnox’s then-current rates for performing the said Products due to: (a) planned updates and maintenance to the Products that are communicated to customers in advance via our status page; (b) relocation, movement, improper operation, neglect or misuse of the Products; (c) Customer’s or MSSP’s failure to maintain proper site or environmental conditions; (d) the fault or neglect of Customer or MSSP, or MSSP’s or Customer’s agents or employees; (e) any attempt at repair, maintenance or modification of the Products performed by anyone other than authorized Portnox service personnel or third parties; (f) a casualty, act of God or the unauthorized act of any third party; (g) failure or interruption of any electrical power, telephone or communication service or like cause; (h) any other cause external to the Products except for ordinary use; or (i) Customer’s failure to install any update to the Products that Portnox make available within sixty (60) days of such update’s release (each of (a) through (i), a “Permitted Outage”).

Portnox CLEAR Service SLA:

For the duration of the Term, and provided that the Customer’s or MSSP’s (and their end customers’) software and hardware infrastructure is actively supported by the vendors that provided that infrastructure and is correctly configured in accordance with that vendor’s guidelines, the Portnox Products will be operational and will function in accordance with the Documentation 99.9% of the time in any calendar month (“Service SLA”). Except for Permitted Outages, which shall be excluded from all uptime calculations, if Portnox does not meet the Service SLA, each of Customer and MSSP is entitled to receive the Service Credits described below (each a “Service Credit”). Any Service Credit issued for a particular month will be calculated as a percentage of the Service Fees or MSSP Fees, as applicable for such month (for purposes of this SLA, the “Fees”). This provision states Customer’s and MSSP’s sole and exclusive remedy for any failure by Portnox to meet the Service SLA.


  • “Downtime” means the time in minutes that Customer or MSSP is unable to access the Products, in all cases due to failure or malfunction of the Portnox CLEAR Service except in connection with Permitted Outages. Downtime does not include any unavailability of the Products due to planned updates and maintenance to the Products. Downtime is measured based on server-side errors from our Radius server.
  • If uptime is less than the Service Availability Level in any month during the Term, Portnox will issue a Service Credit in accordance with the following schedule:
Service Availability Level Service Credit
99.8%-99.0% N/A
98.9% - 98.1% 10% of total Fees applicable to month in which failure occurred
98.0% - 97.6% 15% of total Fees applicable to month in which failure occurred
< 97.5% 25% of total Fees applicable to month in which failure occurred

Customer Must Request Service Credit

To receive any of the Service Credit described above, Customer or MSSP must notify Portnox support within thirty (30) days from the time Customer becomes eligible to receive a Service Credit. Failure to comply with this requirement will forfeit Customer’s or MSSP’s, as applicable, right to receive a Service Credit.

Maximum Service Credit

The aggregate maximum percentage of Service Credits to be accrued by Portnox to Customer or MSSP for all Downtime that occurs in a single calendar month shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the total Fees applicable to such month.

Portnox will apply Service Credit value by way of discounts to be applied to future Fees, service purchases and/or renewals.

Standard Technical Support

Portnox Technical Support helps with fault finding and troubleshooting related to the setup and operation of a Portnox products and environment for customers under active maintenance. Response times are dependent on the support level contract you have in place.

Your options for creating a support case are:

If the Technical Support Team determines it beneficial to interact with your environment directly, your support representative may host a secure remote session to work with you and your environment. Support is provided primarily in English.

Elite Technical Support

Certain Portnox Customers may be eligible to purchase Elite Technical Support, via a subscription that must be coterminous with Customer’s then current Order. Portnox reserves the right to adjust the eligibility criteria for Elite Technical Support from time to time at its sole discretion. For Customers who qualify and have purchased a subscription to Elite Technical Support in their then current Order, Portnox will assign a Named Support Representative (“NSR”) who will act as the primary support contact for that Customer’s account. Portnox can’t guarantee that the NSR will be available every time the Customer contacts Portnox (our employees get sick and take vacations too), but Elite Technical Support Customers will receive a dedicated, non-published support phone line, access to enhanced 24x7 support coverage and a NSR or equivalently skilled individual with knowledge of that Customer’s environment.

Contacting Portnox

Customers or MSSPs can contact Portnox using the following methods according to their paid subscription plan and benefits:

Web Support Center

success.portnox.com – Portnox’s Web Support Center is the central place for support Products including: support case submission and tracking, knowledge base, recent updates etc. It is the recommended method of contacting support. If Customer or MSSP chooses to contact support in any other way, Portnox’s support personnel will guide Customer or MSSP through the web site to open a case for better case management and tracking.

Email Support

By sending email to [email protected]

Customers or MSSPs who have purchased Elite Technical Support should contact their Account Executive to receive contact details for Elite Technical Support.

Available Service Levels are as follows:

Features Standard Elite
On-line (Web, Email) trouble tickets management
Access to the support knowledgebase
Resource center access
Unplanned service disruption notifications
Planned service updates notifications
24 x 7 x 365 Global Support  
Priority trouble ticket processing  
Dedicated phone line to support engineers*  
Named Support Representative (NSR) *  
Global Technical Support Manager Escalation & Case Review**  

* Portnox will assign a Named Support Representative (“NSR”) who will act as the primary technical support engineer, this engineer is not dedicated, they support multiple customers, in multiple regions.

** Coordinates, prioritizes elite support cases and escalations to ensure customers receive the required attention, available for case reviews

Contacting Portnox

Customers or MSPs can contact Portnox using the following methods according to their paid subscription plan and benefits:

Web Support Center

success.portnox.com – Portnox’s Web Support Center is the central place for support services including: support case submission and tracking, knowledge

Email Support

By sending email to [email protected]

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