7 NAC solution Quotes that’ll close the deal

  1. “Today, NAC is often positioned as a security solution to the BYOD era, but it is also increasingly becoming a very useful tool in network management — acting as a gatekeeper to the network.” – TechTarget, Rob Shapland, First BAse Technologies
  2. “NAC was intended to solve real problems and answer real questions: who is connecting to my network? Are they healthy? Can I control where they go? Can I shut them off if they misbehave?” – Network World, Joel Snyder
  3. “54% of managers at large and midsize organizations say that detecting and preventing insider attacks is harder today than it was in 2011” – Harvard Business Review Magazine, David M. Upton, Sadie Creese
  4. “Now is the time for executives across all industries to structure their thoughts about the potential impact and opportunities likely to emerge from the Internet of Things” – McKinsey Research, By Michael Chui, Markus Löffler, and Roger Roberts
  5. Cisco Systems: “You might think network security is an expense that won’t help your business grow. Instead of thinking about network security as a technical concern, consider it a business continuity issue”
  6. Kurt Mueffelmann, president and CEO for Cryptzone: “It’s remarkable that many organizations are still utilizing network security technologies developed in the nineties – a time when the Internet was still in its infancy”
  7. Fortinet CEO, Ken Xie: “End users, from the CEO down to line workers, want the ability to use personal devices for work purposes, their belief being that personal devices are more powerful, flexible, and usable than those offered by corporate. The big question many vendors are wrestling with today is how to properly secure them.”

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